Change is Inevitable. Growth is Optional: Implementing Growth with Seed Management Software

by | Dec 15, 2021

The start of a new year is a time of introspection where we reflect on our major triumphs, defeats, and obstacles, as well as the lessons we learned from them. As business owners, we can examine our annual financial performance, compare it to the year before and look at how we might improve it. While change is often inevitable, growth is optional, and we must use our resources as effectively as possible to guarantee that the change we implement leads to growth. However, executing the necessary change is difficult if you lack the appropriate resources. We’ll take a look at 5 ways we may help you navigate some of your challenges this year.

1. Unify Critical Business Information

Firstly, let’s start with the simple notion of accessing the information you need to run your seed business. When data is scattered across numerous systems and/or spreadsheets, obtaining and updating records can be complex, time consuming, and data is open to mistakes or inaccuracies. It also becomes difficult to ensure information is passed successfully between teams as accessibility, integration and security become challenging.

Unifying your business information into a single, centralised platform, such as Generation seed management software, allows you to safeguard data. You can ensure that everyone is working from the same set of up to date and accurate information, allowing them to view the status and progress of work throughout the business.

2. Streamline Operations And Workflow

Seed companies rely heavily on documentation to instruct and advise in the movement of seed through inventory. The difficulties here are not only having access to the Word or Excel templates that you may use, but also physically printing and transporting paperwork between individuals and ensuring that the plant/warehouse, transporter, or customer has the correct document at the right time.

Our recent innovation, GenWARE, is a mobile application that connects warehouse and plant activity to the Generation seed management database. This eliminates the need for printed documents and guarantees that inventory data is updated swiftly and effectively, decreasing the requirement for manual administration.

3. Connect With Customers

“On-line” interaction and communication with dealers, customers, and salespeople is increasingly important as customers expect more services via the Web. If your systems are incapable of providing some level of online service, you risk falling behind.

Our GenVIEW customer portal provides your customers, dealers, and sales staff with 24/7 real-time access to their orders, shipments, inventories, and invoicing. They can also answer their own inquiries when necessary thanks to a direct connection to the Generation database. The GenVIEW interface also captures customer orders and updates Generation, eliminating the need for paper slips and manual administration. Customers can still contact your company directly, but you now have an improved customer service.


4. Utilising Digital Document Storage

Because they’re accustomed to keeping physical records, many seed businesses find it difficult to embrace digital solutions. However, technological improvements in recent years mean that if you do not have digital solutions in place, you will frequently fall behind your competition.

Each year, the average worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper, which is a significant paper cost for an office. When you need to find documents, you have to sift through filing cabinets of unrelated paperwork. DocStore, our digital document storage solution, is fully integrated with Generation, enabling for quick, simple, and straightforward storage and retrieval. Documents generated by Generation are likewise immediately saved and easily accessible.


5. Connect Your Teams

The primary drivers of a company’s growth are typically:

    • an increase in new customers
    • an increase in sales to new and existing customers
    • increase profit as a consequence of growth not a driver for growth
    • increased production and broader range of products
    • provide new services while controlling costs and cash flow

In order to achieve a robust and scalable business, you need to have all your functions aligned in a coherent way with joined up systems and processes. There will be an increase of activity across the business and things will need to be more standardised and repeatable to accommodate growth.

Unifying your business information, into a single, centralised platform, you can secure your data, and everyone works off the same set of information so that everyone can see the status and progress of work through the business.

With our solutions you can ensure that all areas of the business drive toward the same business goal, you need to ensure a single, consistent view of the business as a whole. One source of information, One version of the truth, One common goal. Growth!

If you’d like to ensure that growth is inevitable for your seed business then get in touch with us to discuss our seed management software, Generation, at